Individual Standings

Week 1

Game 1 : Thursday, May 01, 2025, 08:00 PM EDT

Game 2 : Thursday, May 01, 2025, 08:30 PM EDT

Game 3 : Thursday, May 01, 2025, 09:00 PM EDT

Standings Week-6 Game-0 ~ Current live games: 0


No.TeamPlayer's NameRatingScore
W:Win, L:Lose, D:Draw, F:Forfeit Lost, X:Forfeit Won, H:Half Pts Bye, B:Full Pts Bye, U:Unplayed. Tiebreakers Tb1:Solkoff, Tb2:Cumulative

Half point byes are only given during week 1-4, and only given for players who skip the rounds and no forfeit during the day, and total maximum bye points is 6 pts (12 games). We do not convert forfeit lost to half pts bye. We will remove players at the end of the league if they never play any single game.