Season 3

Week 5 – Up for Grabs

North American Corporate Chess League Week 5 – Up for Grabs

After five weeks of the North American Corporate Chess League’s third season, longtime frontrunner Google took the lead with 31.5 points.  Their lead is certainly not insurmountable, as Deloitte (30.5), AirBnb (30.0), Susquehanna International Group (29.0), DRW Holdings (28.5), and Jump Trading (27.5) will certainly fight for the top prizes in the final week.

Team Standings

Team Standings after Week 5

RankTeamTeam PointsTop Scorer(s)
1Google31.5NM James Sun (9.0)
2Deloitte30.5FM Benjamin Moon, NM Saumil Padhya (8.5)
3Airbnb30.0NM Anna Matlin (8.0)
4Susquehanna International Group28.5Ella Papanek, Raj Ray Chaudhury (7.5)
5DRW Holdings28.0NM Nicholas Desmarais, FM Igor Tsyganov (8.0)
6Jump Trading27.5FM Andrey Krasnov (7.5)
7Hewlett Packard Enterprise25.5Brian McCabe (7.0)
8Jane Street25.0Dyland Xue (7.0)
9Qualcomm24.5Shailesh Maheshwari (6.5)
10ThomsonReuters24.5Sarah Budow (7.0)

With only 4 points separating first and sixth place, there is a lot to play for in the final week.  Prizes are not only awarded to the top 10 teams, but also the top 2 small companies (<50 employees), top financial service company, top IT company, and top law company – there is something for everyone to play for in week 6.  See the prize list here and team standings here.

Individual Standings

Still at the top of the individual standings is Google’s NM James Sun (9 points). Several players are right behind NM Sun with 8.5 points: NM Saumil Padhya (Deloitte), and FM Benjamin Moon (Deloitte). See the full individual standings here.


In an exciting game which was critical for Deloitte’s chances to clinch the title, FM Benjamin Moon (Deloitte) fended off an interesting piece sacrifice and attack conducted by Kathan Shukla of Google.

SIG’s Andy Lee played an interesting endgame against Janusz Kudelka (Airbnb) in round 9:

View all games in the league here.

Live Commentary

FM Peter Giannatos had the call this week – replay his commentary here.

Weekly Improvement Seminar

GM Daniel Naroditsky led the Monday lecture this week. Improvement seminars are held every Monday during the league from 8-9pm Eastern.

Special Thanks

A special thanks goes to our sponsors Aimchess and Chessable for supporting additional prizes and promotions for league members.

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Note: The NACCL does not spam its members via Linkedin messaging nor do we share personal contact information with any external companies. Should players, companies, or other entities wish to read out to us, please contact us at [email protected]