
Week 3

Game 1


Thursday, October 17, 2024, 08:00 PM EDT

Game 2


Thursday, October 17, 2024, 08:30 PM EDT

Game 3


Thursday, October 17, 2024, 09:00 PM EDT

HELP DESK LINK (Opens Thursday at 7:15 pm EDT)
Player Checkin and Game Join Help Sheet
please read check-in instruction below
TeamIDNameLichess HandleStatusCheck-in Method
Ernst & Young99008696 AAQIB SALIaaycubenot open
Palantir99008703 ABHIGYAN KHAUNDabhigyanknot open
FINRA99004745 ABHISHEK KUMARabhishekernot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99004752 ADAM KWASNIKmrMakabreskonot open
Jump Trading12642226 ADAM MUHSJumpAround2021not open
NVIDIA99009389 ADITYA KARRAAkarra97not open
Flume Water99012766 AIDAN KAISERakaiser47not open
NVIDIA99013135 AJAY BHARADWAJajayab96not open
NVIDIA13837680 AKHIL GOELFlamingVictininot open
CyberArk99013071 ALAN SIMOESalansimoesnot open
DRW Holdings99013123 ALAN YANGalan123pianonot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers15755021 ALEX BOHNABohnnot open
Capital One31582225 ALEX COOKgrandamateur1not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP14865491 ALEX MANGIAPANEamangiapanenot open
Lyft, Inc.99009753 ALEX YOUalexyou8021not open
Accenture Federal Services99004812 ALEXANDER HORENSTEINFunkyA18not open
Palantir15690044 ALEXANDER SPEROalexsperonot open
Deloitte99008306 ALEXANDER WILLIAMSAjaxiousnot open
NVIDIA99012238 AMULYA CHAWDAamulyachawdanot open
DRW Holdings99013129 ANAGH CHAUDHRYvandermunchennot open
IBM99008415 ANAS LAMLIHAnasbenlnot open
Jump Trading99001674 ANDREI FRIMUaytionot open
Google99000942 ANDREI KHLYZOVEcuakandynot open
Spectrum Reach99012854 ANDRES VARELAAllNamesAreTaken2024not open
Applied Tech12578740 ANDREW BECKERABecker755not open
DRW Holdings13792670NM ANDREW LUdawnrulenot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99002554 ANDREW PETERSONLambdanonnot open
IBM99000935 ANDREW WHITEDandrewwhitednot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers15835952GM ANDREY BARYSHPOLETSAndrii_Baryshpoletsnot open
Jump Trading12640565FM ANDREY KRASNOVubiqnot open
Symetra15492511GM ANDREY STUKOPINandreystukopinnot open
Lyft, Inc.99004895 ANDRII OMELIANENKOandruha228not open
Stripe99012526 ANDY TUandysctunot open
Capital One14841060 ANDY WUwuhw23not open
FPS Libations LLC99000765 ANH PHAMGalaxyGreynot open
NVIDIA15400247 ANIL GAHLOTanilgahlotnot open
Stripe30268814 ANISH SUKUMARANanishsukunot open
IBM99013112 ANSUMAN MOHANTYansumannot open
IBM99008404 ANTHONY CHRAIMTonyMontynot open
Lyft, Inc.99012711 ANTHONY LINGant1ngnot open
Symetra99012489 ANTHONY SEOahseonot open
Jump Trading99012846 ANTON KRASNOKUTSKIYmitrusnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise15536073 ANTONIO CEJAantoniocejanot open
Google99009237 ANURAG MANTRALANaturalAnagramnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99008090 APPAN ROYKnightRider90not open
Google16312615 ARAVIND SUBRAMANIANgmaravindnot open
Lyft, Inc.99000844 ARDA KUYUMCUakuyumcunot open
NVIDIA99008164 ARJUN PERIASAMYknightslandnot open
Ernst & Young99012840 ASHMINI WEERAKOONashminigambitnot open
Synaptics Incorporated99012922 ATUL SHARMAUthinknmovenot open
Ernst & Young99012734 AUBREY FRANCISCOReyRicaplazanot open
IBM99013085 AUDEN WOOLFSONawoolfson1not open
Capital One99012327 AUSTIN GLOYNAaustin5219not open
Google14101561 AUSTIN YEtheinfiltratornot open
Roblox12839207 AUSTIN MEIamei62094not open
Ernst & Young99011570 AYYAPPA KANDALAayyappakandala123not open
IBM99013103 BANSHIDHAR PATELbdpatel51not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP12928272 BARY LISAKKasil554not open
Ernst & Young99010829 BASIT ISLAMbasitislam94not open
Deloitte12943240 BENJAMIN BLIUMDontStopMovingnot open
Citadel Securities15142514 BENJAMIN LITheRealBenLinot open
Segal99000805 BENNETT HADLEYbenhad20not open
FINRA99004569 BHARATH RAMLINGbratman28not open
NVIDIA99009530 BHUSHAN AGRAWALbka08not open
IBM99008649 BILLY VIDARyllibradivnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99013065 BIYUAN CHENBobZennot open
Capital One16780795 BLAINE MITCHELLBasicNerdnot open
Google99005887 BOHDAN KOSENKOflippinukenot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99013025 BRADLEY REZAKBradRezaknot open
Stripe12775685 BRANDON FARRELLbfarrell-stripenot open
dYdX Trading99012818 BRENDAN CHOUunanchorednot open
Google12018030 BRET BRYANbbryannot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise30117808 BRIAN MCCABEbcm5059not open
Cox Communications99009466 BRIAN REIFF-AMSDENbsamersnot open
National Resilience99008616 BRYAN GERMAINkn1ghtkn1ghtnot open
Databricks99010253 BURAK YAVUZbrk-yvznot open
High Extra12780191 CAHYONO NUGROHOe4coolnot open
FINRA99004571 CAMERON HOLMEScamholmes12not open
Google30689170 CARL PICKERINGCarlintheUSnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99003920 CARMELO PICCIONEstrukturednot open
Capital One99012315 CASEY JONESLesserTwinnot open
DoorDash15927834 CESARE CELOZZIcesysnot open
Peak6 Investments99010750 CHAD EVANScevans6000not open
Roblox12860173 CHARLES WONRobloxPlayer2not open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99012230 CHARLIE COOKTheEelRocknot open
dYdX Trading99012844 CHENYAO YUchenyaoyunot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012949 CHRIS HERSHChrisHershnot open
Symetra99009611 CHRIS LALONDEChris_1000not open
Ernst & Young99012886 CHRIS PYNEChrispCnot open
Flume Water12870507 CHRISTIAN JOHANSENCAJ2not open
Accenture Federal Services99004837 CHRISTOPHER ROGECGRogenot open
Citadel Securities12756973 CHRISTOPHER WARDEnglishBobnot open
Jane Street13228721NM CHRISTOPHER YANGcyangnot open
Ernst & Young99004659 CONNOR FREELYconnorf7not open
Databricks31246965 CONNOR WATTSwonnornot open
Capital One13744720IM CRAIG HILBYChesseggnot open
DRW Holdings99010894 CURTIS GOOLSBYthreesigmasquarednot open
IBM99012352 DAHIYA POOJANPoojan2003not open
Arthur AI99010769 DAN DEUTSCHHolyDieselnot open
Stripe99012643 DAN HILLdanhilltechnot open
Segal99010755 DAN REUSZdingodan721not open
Synaptics Incorporated99013147 DANIEL seouliteboynot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99008330 DANIEL ALFONSETTISpheryCubenot open
Medidata Solutions31694565 DANIEL CALIGIURIdcaligiuri44not open
NVIDIA99004728 DANIEL CUOMOdcuomo56not open
Stripe99012620 DANIEL DEUTSCHyankjenetsnot open
Google99012593 DANIEL GARCIADgarcnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99008352 DANIEL GITELMANFutbolPulsenot open
dYdX Trading16931482 DANIEL LASKOLanDasko90not open
Capital One99012677 DANIEL MORENODoneromnot open
Cox Communications16663422 DANIEL POHLrailsaverdannot open
NVIDIA99009358 DANIEL STOKESdast99not open
Ernst & Young99012664 DANIEL PRADOKingdaniel23not open
FINRA12793742NM DANYUL LAWRENCEOverrated_Bumnot open
Peak6 Investments99009030 DASH RAGURAMANmadarfakirnot open
Spectrum Reach99012859 DAVE CASTELLANOllano329not open
IBM14995943 DAVID GAERTNERdavidg42not open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise12889607 DAVID GLOEacrobionicnot open
Segal99000801 DAVID NICKERSONndavidknot open
IBM99001798 DAVID NICOLAISdnic106not open
Jane Street14195454FM DAVID PENGpawn-horse-queennot open
Google11109501 DAVID SPENCERatabotixnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99002614 DAVID YEAGERdyeagernot open
Roblox99012900 DEBAYAN MAJUMDARkingponnunot open
IBM99008664 DEEPAK NAIRdnair1not open
DoorDash99013045 DEMETRIUS NUNESdemetriusnunesnot open
FINRA99004720 DENIS DOBROVOLSKIIgandonovnot open
Symetra99012458 Dennis Brewerdebrew723not open
Google14836577 DEREK JIATwiceupontwotimesnot open
Ernst & Young99012652 DEREK LIMdereklimmonot open
Capital One99012684 DEVON SOTObimbotronnot open
Google31861134 DHAVAL SHAHjadoubnot open
Segal12905001 DIANA YENCharlie555not open
Segal99000890 DIRK OLSONdirkus85not open
IBM15961193 DMYTRO STONAIEVprometey83not open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99000911 DOMINGO TAVERASDtaverasnot open
Roblox99013140 DULHAN WADUGEdulhan-wadugenot open
Cox Communications99012519 DUSTIN HODGESMicCheck1not open
FPS Libations LLC99001819 DUTCH SULKALAoMrOrangeonot open
Google99012875 DYLAN O'CEALLAIGHJocundDjinnnot open
Segal99010748 DYLAN WINGFIELDwing2107not open
Symetra99009624 EDUARDO LOPEZwayo7not open
Ernst & Young99008818 ELIAS CHAMARIQluffydono31not open
NeuroFlow99012936 ELLEN MCGEOCHemcgeochnot open
Jane Street13942431WIM EMILY NGUYENdyrizonenot open
Google99012596 EMMA SEVASTIANemma0303not open
Lyft, Inc.99008302 ERIC BANISADRTheTrailMixnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise10328365NM ERIK KNUTSONhecatombhecatehexnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99005604 ESTEVAN CONTRERASpawnshopbishopnot open
Databricks13109765 EVAN YEwatermelonpienot open
Arthur AI99012758 EVE STASZCZYSZYNevelingsnot open
Citadel Securities99003961 EVGENY LITVERlitver797not open
Capital One20031386 FELIX WONGnacclfwnot open
Jump Trading99012832 FERNANDO BOULLONFsolanonot open
Accenture Federal Services99010991 FRANK RUGGIEROfrank972not open
DRW Holdings99012983 FRANKLIN LULethargicScribenot open
High Extra14755626 FRANSISKA METERAYfran2024not open
Accenture Federal Services99004805 FREDDY SANTOSffchsnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP14360480 GANESH MURUGAPPANgomeschess02not open
DoorDash99009498 GANESHRAM CHOCKALINGAMganesh-ddnot open
Roblox31842241 GEORGIOS ROUMPOSRookBuildernot open
Palantir99010958 GIANNA GERTONgiannagertonnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99012995 GOPALAKRISHNAN RAMUmenma_uzumakinot open
Flume Water99001775 GRANT BERNOSKYbnoskynot open
Roblox99012973 GREG MAXEYgregumenot open
Ernst & Young99010830 GURJOT SOBTIgurjotsobtinot open
Lyft, Inc.99006256 HANS WERNETTIhans_wnot open
Google99011987 HAROLD SHENli_way_easynot open
Citadel Securities12863387 HARRISON TERMOTTOfluffyBebonot open
Databricks99013016 HARRY ZHAOaquaticpineapplesnot open
IBM99011154 HARSH MITTALH_r_Hnot open
Medidata Solutions99009246 HEMANT BOBDEMyTKnightsnot open
Flume Water99001843 HENRY DORFMANcouponcodesnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99008317 HUDSON KIRKPATRICKHudsonKirknot open
DRW Holdings12727882FM IGOR TSYGANOVtsygannot open
CyberArk99012476 ILYA VLASOVFox20073not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012951 INDIA DANIELroronoazollonot open
CyberArk17096254 IRA MCCRAYincitedigitalnot open
Capital One99011803 ISAAC HULVEYironfish12not open
Capital One12911462 ISAAC STEINCAMPNapoleonBonaparteIVnot open
Cox Communications13743512NM ISKANDAR ARIPOViiaripovnot open
High Extra99002840 ISNU SUNTOROisnusunnot open
Roblox99013098 JACK LIUjliu19not open
Jane Street13089315FM JACOB FURFINEQuest_to_3000not open
Stripe99012615 JACOB GRAFFdurza7100not open
Accenture Federal Services99010988 JACOB PARKERjparke18not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99004713 JACOB SNYDERjsnyder23not open
Capital One99009560 JACOB SUNjsunplayschessnot open
FINRA99004743 JAIMEE PINEDAHimeetoenot open
Peak6 Investments99003359 JAKE GOLDRICHdabears1not open
Applied Tech99013073 JAKE RAEDELxsnow_wolfnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise12573871 JAMES BONASTIABridgewaternot open
Cox Communications99012497 JAMES CORBETTGentlemanJimnot open
Flume Water12832190 JAMES FAZIOtonycheez3not open
Capital One99012325 JAMES GOUGHjamesman45not open
Cox Communications99010995 JAMES KOOJkooternot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99009495 JARED RIBBLEribblitnot open
Databricks31261725 JASON TAITZjat220not open
NVIDIA99012786 JATIN KHAREjatinkharenot open
Cox Communications99011006 JAVIER SALASJavster88not open
Deloitte99012732 JAYDEN CHRZANOWSKIshoosquarednot open
NVIDIA99013105 JAYGANESH MURUGANjayganeshmnot open
Ernst & Young99012713 JAYVEE VILLAben10ysonnot open
Deloitte13122854 JEFF BORGEREljeffe281not open
Peak6 Investments99002630 JEFF LACOURSIERElacoursjnot open
DRW Holdings31829288 JEFFREY LAMpastamazingnot open
Jane Street13819614 JESSE SUNjsun63not open
NVIDIA99004730 JIALIN SONGgood_forestnot open
FPS Libations LLC99010877 JIMMY KUHNoMrBLUEonot open
Databricks99010262 JIMMY XUautomlnot open
Segal99010773 JOE FIORICAjfioricanot open
Ernst & Young14308272 JOEL JAFFEblobby12not open
Flume Water30358424 JOEL PERKINSoomraz00mnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012943 JOEL VARUGHESEjvarughese1234not open
Citadel Securities99012348 JOHN CENTENOAvocadoGoatnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99013108 JOHN FASHEKShmeltnot open
National Resilience30486038 JOHN GRIFFITHSGriffTheMiffednot open
CyberArk99012562 JOHN HICKEYbohick76not open
National Resilience99008355 JOHN HODGEJHodge_Resiliencenot open
FINRA99005755 JOHN LUBURICJLUB541not open
FINRA13958182 JOHN MCCABEMccabejjmnot open
Spectrum Reach99012865 JOHN SOPPEJohnnoNYCnot open
Databricks31049063 JOHN WARDdigiassnnot open
NVIDIA99012780 JONATHAN NEEJonathanNeenot open
National Resilience99008438 JONATHON MIHUJonathon_Mnot open
IBM99008636 JOSE MORENOjose_morenonot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012954 JOSEPH BARBERIOJMBarberionot open
FPS Libations LLC99000775 JOSEPH FRANCIOSAoMrRedonot open
Google16412290 JOSHUA HARBMANlets_go_fastnot open
Spectrum Reach99012889 JOSHUA JORDANSmb801not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99009330 JOSHUA ORTIZjoshortiz1988not open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99009188 JUAN ELVERDINBauti_97not open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99013028 JUAN GUARAZjguaraznot open
DRW Holdings99013023 JUN (BRIAN) HURbhur1020not open
Capital One14646688 JUSTIN FINKArcticblitznot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99008321 JUSTIN KATZblugoalienot open
Capital One99009534 JUSTIN LIjl220not open
Peak6 Investments99009400 JUSTIN SLUSHERjslushernot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99013067 KA-HEI LAWnetvopenot open
DoorDash12540757 KARIM SEADAkarimddnot open
IBM99008687 KARTHIK PALANIAPPANkarthikperumalpnot open
FPS Libations LLC99004849 KATELYN DAVIS-MAYOKDavis90not open
Segal99000852 KATRINA DUFFIEkduffienot open
Accenture Federal Services99013012 KEITH DAVISBishopx1not open
Spectrum Reach13928993 KELLY WANGk3559not open
DRW Holdings99003848 KENNAN MEYERkjm354not open
Jane Street99002451 KEVIN COSTELLOkcost3not open
DRW Holdings99013125 KEVIN KAOFortniteKaonot open
Cox Communications99010861 KEVIN O'CONNELLHogongonot open
Symetra31647884 KEVIN PANZARELLAKpanz20not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP14268494 KIMBERLY LIUnicecream18not open
Google12935024 KISHOR BHATtherealkbhatnot open
Google13235534NM KOLA ADEYEMIcapablancaznot open
DoorDash30594380 KORNEL CSERNAIcskonot open
Ernst & Young12837312 KRISHNAN WARRIERthewarriernot open
Lyft, Inc.99010348 KRISTEN SHIkrys65not open
Cox Communications99009504 KRISTY BURGESSKrisBurgnot open
Capital One99010967 KYLE GARNERpawnefournot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99009331 KYLE ROBBINSKR1017not open
Lyft, Inc.12860484IM KYRON GRIFFITHkyrongriffithnot open
FPS Libations LLC99010873 LEAH BUDDENoMrsPurpleonot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP13902791 LEON DENGSpotlicinconot open
Jane Street14586033 LEONARDO DIPERNAdipernalznot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99013039 LILY DOlilydo2004not open
Jump Trading12891207 LUCAS BAKERqkvonot open
Palantir99010892 LUKE BOWSHERbowshnot open
IBM99010451 M. AUSTIN CARYsuperaustnot open
DoorDash99008670 MADHAV DUBEranger_madhavnot open
FINRA99012214 MAHIR KARIMmak727not open
NVIDIA99009355 MAINAK MANDALiMainaknot open
DoorDash99012722 MAKSYM KARUNOSmaksym-karunosnot open
Google30077361 MALCOLM DECKMikotarnot open
IBM99013114 MANISH KUMARManish2semnot open
DoorDash99009431 MARCEL PEREZmarcel17not open
Capital One14272883 MARCO FLORESMacroFlowersnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise13741260 MARCO TORRESMarcoPoloHPEnot open
Stripe32018251 MARCO AYELLOmarcoeangelinot open
DoorDash13529781 MARIA ZAYNORmariazaynornot open
Palantir99009554 MARIO BITARM-Z-Bnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99004669 MARK MORRISONMarktheKidnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012962 MASSEY CASHOREyolochessswag840not open
Roblox99012986 MATT BASZUCKImattbaszuckinot open
Capital One99010962 MATT DECELLEmdecellenot open
FINRA99004746 MATT PEPPEAmericanPharoahnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99013002 MATTEO LAISmatteyo93not open
dYdX Trading99012816 MATTHEW DOWNEYmjdowneynot open
Capital One30297877 MATTHEW KENTmatabcnot open
NVIDIA15439494 MATTHEW MENDELLOneacrossnot open
Jump Trading12866317 MATTHEW SHINemshinjanot open
Ernst & Young15890212 MATTHEW PIOTROWSKIEeloGreennot open
Cox Communications12824176 MATTHEW CHAPPELLMatthew_WCnot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99009548 MEGAN FIGLENSKImeganamy0521not open
IBM99012752 MEHMET EVANSTheRealMemonot open
Medidata Solutions99012464 MELISSA SCHENKmelissathebessnot open
Google99012726 MERT KAYAsertcastnot open
Lyft, Inc.12930039IM MICHAEL BODEKmbodeknot open
Accenture Federal Services30020185 MICHAEL HERMSmhermsnot open
Jump Trading99010354 MICHAEL SHAMISsmichael83not open
Palantir13737414 MIHIR BAFNAMBafnanot open
Synaptics Incorporated14683397 MIHIR KUMARKonark92not open
NVIDIA99009751 MILAN KUMARmilansinhanot open
Peak6 Investments99008308 MINKEE LEEMinkeenot open
Roblox12687929 MUSIRI SRIVADHSANmusirisriramnot open
IBM99012790 MYNHARDT BURGERMynhardtnot open
Deloitte99008329 NABEELA HOODAnabeelahoodanot open
Cox Communications12667380 NATHAN PULLEYnpulleynot open
Peak6 Investments99009411 NATHANIEL SEAMANnSeaman23not open
Jump Trading99013127 NEERAJA JAYAKUMARneenee2not open
Jane Street14001076 NEEYANTH KOPPARAPUneeyancatnot open
Accenture Federal Services13222014 NEIL EDWARDSnaedwards14not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP30032067 NICHOLAS BRINKMANNelatedjuvenilenot open
DRW Holdings12922267NM NICHOLAS DESMARAISMarsh_Knightnot open
Roblox14443038 NICHOLAS KONOVALENKOnkonovalenkonot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP12937962NM NICHOLAS RYBAnryba94not open
NeuroFlow99012852 NICHOLAS WEBERlunacat78not open
Stripe16540457 NICHOLAS LAMPINGlampniknot open
Capital One99009552 NICK WUnickwu32not open
Applied Tech99013151 NICKO RICOnutpunchninjanot open
Google15130491 NIHAR SHAHNiharTheOnlynot open
Ernst & Young99009540 NIKET MAHAWARsacrificanot open
NVIDIA99013095 NIKOLA PETROVNikola-Petrovnot open
Roblox99012957 NOOR NASRIiamnoamesanot open
Citadel Securities99012271 OLIVER CHEOKfreelunchnot open
DoorDash99008692 OLIVER COLLINSolivercollinsnot open
NeuroFlow99001812 OSMAN ZUBERIozubenot open
DoorDash14471362 OWEN QIANoyqiannot open
Medidata Solutions99009247 OXANA KORNEEVAFkornnot open
Google30077935 PABLO BIDWELLroflcopter11not open
Medidata Solutions99009321 PAT NEEDHAMPatNeedhamnot open
Lyft, Inc.99009445 PAUL ANDREWsaturdayknightfevernot open
Peak6 Investments99003343 PAUL WHALENpgwhalennot open
Capital One99012330 PETER CARTEReccco3not open
Arthur AI99010955 PETER EDINpeterpeterpeter2not open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99012944 PETER MARLOpbmarlo16not open
Flume Water12634619 PETER MAYERpetermconot open
Accenture Federal Services99013162 PETER SCHAEFERmanzini93not open
Lyft, Inc.12913356 PHILIP GERSTOFTpgstar3not open
Roblox30674060 PHILIP JOHNSONdiscovoyagernot open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99013021 PHILLIP CHANGlaminarphlonot open
Stripe15783841 PRANAV SRIRAMkingpraninot open
IBM99012803 PRANAY JAINjain_pranay1609not open
Lyft, Inc.99009607 PRASHANT MITTALpacific786not open
IBM99012750 PRUTHVI BILLAPruthvi_Billanot open
Synaptics Incorporated99012960 PUNEET BHATIAleadpbnot open
Accenture Federal Services12789364NM QUENTIN MOOREMobiusTubesnot open
Stripe99012628 RAJ SHAHrajchess11not open
High Extra99004319 RAKATA RAYNOErakatanot open
Symetra99010959 RALITZA MONDALRalitzaHeynot open
NVIDIA99012797 RAMPRASADH KUMARn00bche55not open
Arthur AI99010957 RAPHAEL MENESCLOUmacmenesnot open
IBM99013155 RAUNAK BHANSALIraunakbhansalinot open
Google15060157 RAVI KHANNARaviKhanna08not open
Spectrum Reach99012798 REGGIE DORMEUSDragonsnUnicornsnot open
Segal30627562 RENZEN CAUGHEYrenzencaugheynot open
IBM99013087 REZELL SIMMONSRezell_champnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise12780723 RIA FARRELL SCHALNATPizzaRia09not open
Databricks15466562FM RICHARD CHENDuccDuccDuccnot open
Stripe99012626 RISH SHARMArishsharma26not open
Deloitte99013078 RISHI RAJEEVrish10not open
Databricks99013082 RK ADURIrkdb_chess_12not open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99012979 ROBERTO ALTAMIRANORoberto_Altamiranonot open
Capital One31841451 ROBERTO JR.RobGuzman33not open
Capital One99012309 ROCK NAVAMUELroccstonenot open
Symetra99013197 RODERICK SAMUDAWillProbablySacRooknot open
Citadel Securities99003956 ROGERS EPSTEINrogersepnot open
Synaptics Incorporated99012926 ROHAN Baby_Incrediblenot open
IBM15688092 ROHIT SANBHADTIrohits47not open
Palantir99012673 RON BERTASIrsbverglasnot open
Synaptics Incorporated99012902 RONIT JOSEPHronit_joseph21not open
Deloitte99004838 ROZI AMINIzqinot open
Citadel Securities99012415 RYAN TELESCAtelerscanot open
Lyft, Inc.99009523 RYAN WANGmouseeslipnot open
Stripe14418585 RYAN YAOryanyao1not open
Deloitte99009503 RYOSUKE HORIEGLAYGHOSTnot open
Spectrum Reach99012848 SAFFI CHAUDHARYsaffiChessnot open
NVIDIA99012805 SAICHARAN SSaicharanSnot open
Ernst & Young99009434 SAIKAT NATHWeak_Player_GMnot open
NVIDIA99013131 SAIKISHORE THIYYAGURAsaikishorereddynot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP13246528 SAIMCAN BAYIRcanbayirnot open
Capital One31702218 SAKET BAJAJSakbajaj1not open
Databricks99011131 SAKSHI GUPTAgoogbaccanot open
Jump Trading14616385 SAM KATERfstrrnot open
Applied Tech99013080 SAM LARSONSamLRSNnot open
Ernst & Young12857211NM SAMEER MUJUMDARsameermujumdarnot open
Palantir15242711 SAMIR HADZICshadzic007not open
IBM99010527 SAMPATH ELUMALAIsamcruisenot open
Accenture Federal Services99004844 SAMSON NYGAARDTheNygaardnot open
DRW Holdings99010891 SAMUEL TOURNOFFHedgedawgnot open
Google31443528 SAMUEL JOHNSONSpeedracenot open
NVIDIA99004795 SARAH CHOWSarahchownot open
FINRA10150311 SCOT ELHENYscotmcelhenynot open
Stripe99012670 SEAN KENKEREMATHskenkeremathnot open
Spectrum Reach99012850 SERG SARADJIANsergsaradjiannot open
IBM14901082 SHAKTIPRASAD SHIMPImyshaktinot open
NVIDIA12797243 SHARDUL GOLWALKARshardulgonot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99002605 SHAUN HARDYpersingernot open
Google99012778 SHIVANG GUPTADrDooFinshMertznot open
Databricks99013090 SIDDHARTH GUPTASiddharth0x7D1not open
PricewaterhouseCoopers99012920 SIDDHARTH MURALIsid111not open
Ernst & Young99012429 SIDHARTHA BHOISidhartha143not open
Databricks14896274 SIVAKUMAR ABBARAJUmin-i-maxnot open
NVIDIA16651497 SKYLER DAWSONfoxwoods369not open
NVIDIA99012784 SOHIL SHAHsohil_shahnot open
DoorDash99009440 SPENCER MCDONALDspencermcd15not open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99013069 SREENATHA BALAGANOORsreenatha_settynot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99004791 SRINATH GNANASSEGARANEggnsrinathnot open
FINRA15174553 SRINIVASA SRIKAKOLAPUssrikakolapunot open
Jane Street14107932 SRISA CHANGOLKARInvictus999not open
Ernst & Young12541467 STAN HWANGchessimprovnot open
Google99010378 STANLEY ZHONGqpwoeirutnot open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise14910456 STEFAN CEBALLOSKafkaesquesonot open
Cox Communications99009468 STEVEN JACOBSsmjacobsnot open
Citadel Securities99012272 STEVEN LOrusty-playernot open
DRW Holdings99009510 STEVEN SULPIZIOSteveDRWnot open
Jump Trading99012987 SUBRAMANYAM CHITTIaakhladjavenot open
FINRA99004568 SUHAS CHANDRASHEKHARAsuhastc52not open
NVIDIA99009402 SUJITH SOMASEKHARANsujiths80not open
IBM99010607 SUKHMINDER BALssbnot open
NeuroFlow99000779 SUTTON ASHBYSuttonNFnot open
Google12893972 TEDDY KATZnot-an-aardvarknot open
IBM14223437 TEJAS KARUTURIHokageTejnot open
Google99009233 THANGA MANICKAMthangam2000not open
DRW Holdings99009491 THOMAS PEYROUTASsplitounot open
Cox Communications12756686 THOMAS PUTNAMundercover1983not open
Palantir99000809 TIM DYCKTimmyDnot open
Databricks99013048 TIM LEEtimlee0119not open
CyberArk12656911 TIMOTHY SAWYERtasawyer81not open
Arthur AI31466430 TOBIAS JAROSLAWTobyMac24not open
FPS Libations LLC99012877 TOMMY WHITTEMORETGunzZnot open
Lyft, Inc.99012598 TONY BLUMafka2dnot open
Roblox15903528 TRIET VOtrietvuivenot open
Google99011951 TRINA CHATTERJEEtrina731not open
CyberArk99012564 TRISHA LATIMERTLati16not open
Capital One99012701 VASIL HLINKAlameducknot open
NVIDIA99012834 VATSAL GROVERvatsal19not open
Capital One30175356 VENKATA KASETTYkvinodkumarnot open
Capital One16170697 VENKATASAI PERAMvenkatasai88not open
Hewlett Packard Enterprise99013157 VICTOR NUNEZViktor_NGnot open
NVIDIA99012218 VIGNESH KUMARVignesh_Vijaya_Kumarnot open
IBM99012924 VIJAY SAWANTvbs1984not open
Capital One14450365 VIKRAM PANDIANdoctor6754not open
Synaptics Incorporated99012898 VINESH MALLAPPAVineshnot open
NVIDIA99012782 VIVEK VENUGOPALnvkevivnot open
Roblox99012913 VIVIN JOYvjoy89not open
Symetra16004571GM VLADIMIR BELOUSVladimirBelousnot open
Jump Trading12938516 VLADIMIR GRAMAGINElesharnot open
Cox Communications99008476 WAH LEEWahLeenot open
Spectrum Reach99012869 WALID BABURYCharterknight_1_2_3not open
Capital One13940963 WESTON WRIGHTwesrobwrinot open
Accenture Federal Services99000768 WILLIAM DORRwdorrnot open
Jump Trading99004777 WILLIAM EUSTISWeustisnot open
Jump Trading99013153 WIM JEANTINE-GLENNnaccl10not open
Google99012728 XAVIER NEGRONcangshu888not open
Medidata Solutions99008799 YAIR SOHNDaSohnnot open
dYdX Trading99012842 YANG WONGyangwnot open
Symetra16122397IM YANNICK KAMBRATHel-kun78not open
Databricks99010252 YANNIS SISMANISsismosnot open
Peak6 Investments14640358 YASH KUMARBosco7not open
IBM99012761 YASWANTH MANOHARANYaswanthManoharannot open
Stripe14316800 YILIANG LIAlbabasternot open
FINRA31073057 YOUNG LEEhan201finnot open
Susquehanna Intl Group, LLP99009342 YURY USTINOVSKIYhenri_poincarenot open
Google15333804 YURY VOLVOVSKIYiouriquenot open
Stripe13471910NM YUSHENG XIAxiasanitynot open
Applied Tech99004701 ZACH HOLTKrypto17not open
Arthur AI12871093 ZACHARY FRYfrydawg524not open
Cox Communications99012600 ZLATAN BRKICzbc888not open
filter only checked in players

Check-in process:

  • Check-in is required each Thursday to eliminate "no-shows"
  • Check-in is open 24 hours before the round.
  • Check-in is closed 20 minutes before the start of the round.
  • If you are "IN" but need to modify/cancel, use email method, and you will have option to modify it.

Select ONE of these following check-in methods:

To check-in using email method:
  • Step 1: Find your name in the list, and click "email" under "check-in method" column.
  • Step 2: Enter your last 4 digits of your phone, or first 4 characters email address, and we will send email.
  • Step 3: Open your email, click the link and you are confirmed. You can partially check-in.
  • Once you are redirected to this page, you are "IN", and you are ready to go!
To check-in using Lichess Auth:
  • Step 1: Find your name in the list, and click "lichess" under "check-in method" column.
  • Step 2: Follow the Auth process again like when you were registering. You can partially check-in.
  • Once you are redirected to this page, you are "IN", and you are ready to go!
To check-in using TEXT/SMS :
  • Step 1: Using your phone, send a message to our phone system (844)448-0084
  • Step 2 Option A: Send "PLAY TODAY" to check-in the whole day.
  • Step 2 Option B: Send "CANCEL PLAY" to cancel your check-in for the day.
  • Step 2 Option C: Send "PLAY" to check-in partially (i.e PLAY 1, PLAY 2, PLAY 3)
  • Step 2 Option D: Send "SKIP" to skip partially (i.e SKIP 1, SKIP 2, SKIP 3)
  • Step 3: You have to wait until the system sends a reply/confirmation.
  • Once you have a confirmation, you are "IN", and you are ready to go!
  • Do not use just single word CANCEL, because the CANCEL word means unsubscribe from receiving message from us.
To check-in NACCL/Lichess login (new):
Today's Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024 03:43 PM EST