NACCL Week 3 – Google joins Airbnb in the lead
In week 3 of the North American Corporate Chess League’s season 3, Google joined week 2 co-leader Airbnb at the top of the team standings with 20 points. With half the season’s games in the books, the standings are very close and there is still a lot to play for.
“Checking in” for a week means that you be paired for 2 rapid games played at a time control of 15 minutes + 5 second increment. Players skipping a few rounds will receive up to four half point “byes” for any games they miss throughout the season.
In a pivotal game for Google’s chances, NM James Sun (Google) defeated NM Anna Matlin (Airbnb):
James Sun would go on to defeat FM Igor Tsyganov (DRW Holdings) to move to a perfect 6/6 score.
Ella Papanek (Susquehanna International Group) played a quick, efficient game against Satish Grandhi (Qualcomm).
View all games in the league here.
Team Standings
At the halfway mark, Google and Airbnb lead with 20 points, but with such a competitive league, there are many teams just behind them: SIG and Jump Trading have 19 points, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise rounds out the top five with 18.5 points. The entire team standings can be found here.
Individual Standings
NM James Sun (Google) and Anway De (Jump Trading) lead the way with perfect 6/6 scores. Following closely behind are Parth Patni (HPE), Andy Zhang (Peloton), and Raj Ray Chaudhury (SIG) with 5.5/6. All individual standings can be be found here.
Live Commentary
You can replay FM Peter Giannatos’ live Twitch commentary had the call on week 2 commentary, which can be replayed here.

Weekly Improvement Seminar
IM John Bartholomew covered last week’s seminar as GM Daniel Naroditsky was participating in the US Chess Championship. GM Naroditsky will be returning for the next lecture.
The improvement seminars are held every Monday during the league from 8-9pm Eastern.
Links for the seminar are sent out in the NACCL weekly newsletter.

Weekly Tactics Test
Special Thanks
A special thanks goes to our sponsors Aimchess and Chessable for supporting additional prizes and promotions for league members.

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