North American Corporate Chess League
The NACCL is an online recreational chess league created for companies headquartered in the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Masters and beginners alike may join the league to represent their companies in friendly competition against companies all over North America. Represent your company, expand your network.
Links to previous season standings, winners, scores
Season 1 Completed
Season 1 had over 40 teams and 400 players participate. Final Standings and Weekly Reports.
SIG wins 1st Season! The sixth and final week of the first season of North American Corporate Chess League delivered on its promise of action. Almost every game at the top was decisive and there were many fluctuations in the Team Standings. The Individual Standings, however, were a one-man story. GM Ashwin Jayaram (2571), completed his quest to a perfect score, and was a major asset for Wells Fargo. Check all games from season 1 and you can replay live streaming from the games.